30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee*

"Thanks To Primal Collagen I Was Able To
Get Less Wrinkles In 21 Days... Nourish My Skin... Glow Up & Revitalize My Hair, Nails & Joints"*

*Results will vary based on starting point and commitment to plan. Real customers are used and compensated for sharing honest experiences. Extreme results not typical and may take more than 21 days.

Watch this video to see how simple it is.

No miracle creams. No expensive products. No wasting time.

Primal Harvests  patented supplements are recommended by doctors around the world along with CNN, People Vogue, CBS Sports, Healthline, and more.  We work with top experts in the field to develop innovative new products and improve our existing formulas whenever possible. Our products are made in the USA with premium globally sourced ingredients and are always third-party laboratory tested to ensure safety, quality, and purity.

How are you feeling?

On a scale of 1-10, pick where you’re at.

Amazing! I feel full of energy 24/7! My skin looks amazing, I’m glowing, and my doctor is happy.

Good! But things aren’t consistent… I know I can do better.

I’m Okay. I’m sick of feeling old, bloated, and I want to look better.

Let’s just say I better do something quick about my health…
If you answered 8-10… you’re free to go. Your body might not need a cleanse if you’re in perfect shape, your energy levels are SUPREME… and your skin is glowing… If you’re in the 5-7 range, make sure to stick around.
Read this page very carefully…
Because what you’re about to see could show you how to feel better… drop a few pounds… and rid your body of those bad-feeling toxins.
This leaves the people in the 3-4 and 0-2 groups…
Things are tough, aren’t they?

Feeling worried about your skin, hair, and nails just adds more stress to your life. (And who needs more stress?)

Well, imagine this:

Picture feeling a wave of confidence as you’re able to look great no makeup… or when you can look in the mirror seeing your fresh, renewed skin… if that’s something you want…

Well, You've Come To The Right Place

Because you’ll leave this page with something amazing…a way to get the collagen-packed protein and nutrients you need to help nourish your body, feed your skin, and even help smooth away wrinkles- without any cooking or prepping.

Imagine the joy you’ll feel when your friends notice something different about you. Or when your husband pulls you into his arms and gives you that unexpected compliment. 🙂
But most importantly… cleansing your body helps you feel better, eat better, and be healthier.

That's A Pretty Big Difference From Where You Are Now, Right?

If so, you’re not alone. Because according to Utah University… 80% of ALL adults in America go through perimenopause. That’s about 134 MILLION women…

And many of them are running around like monkey’s trying to find out how to feel better. And one of the things MANY people are trying is…


“Why should I even drink collagen?”

Easy! Collagen is a natural superfood that thousands of people around the country use on a daily basis.

Collagen is even a secret weapon of some Hollywood actors… who look 20 years younger than their actual age (even as they hit their 50’s and up).

You can either drink it on its own, or add it to a drink that you’re already making like coffee, smoothie, or juice. You will love this!

But... This Is Not The Collagen You'll Find At The Grocery Store

You see, I could never stomach the taste of Collagen before. I thought that it tasted pretty bad to be honest. Until I tried the “Primal Blend” you’ll see on this page… No clumps, mixes instantly, and this collagen is tasteless.

It’s how some women have even shrunk wrinkles in as little as 21 days*. Now, of course, not everyone sees results as fast as these. It depends on your age, diet, exercise, and a whole host of other factors…

But it just shows what’s possible when you add pure Collagen to your daily routine.

*Results will vary based on starting point and commitment to plan. Real customers are used and compensated for sharing honest experiences. Extreme results not typical and may take more than 21 days.

Hi, We're Primal Harvest

Maybe you've seen me us on CNN or Social Media. Maybe your friend
recommended us..

As Seen On

Our products are inspired by the elements of Ayurvedic medicine. Many contain patented active ingredients in premium quality, and we believe that our products and formulas help compensate for the deficiencies of modern diets and lifestyles.

I have helped hundreds of thousands of women glow up skin, feel great, and recharge their lives… just listen to some of these wonderful people.

Aren’t those success stories amazing?
*Results will vary based on starting point and commitment to plan. Real customers are used and compensated for sharing honest experiences. Extreme results not typical and may take more than 21 days.

These Things Could Happen After You Start Drinking Pure Collagen...

Imagine the confidence you may feel as you’re able look great no makeup… or when you could look in the mirror and feel proud of your accomplishments…

If that’s something you want…
Then you’ve come to the right place.

And now that you’re all motivated, let’s start talking about Collagen.

Why Are People Drinking Collagen?
What's The Big Deal?

Simple. It helps strengthen your feed your skin.

Aging skin and dull complexion after a meal can be a sign of a low collagen

After years of eating processed foods and running into chemicals in the environment…
Two things happen.

First, with perimenopause ,skin can get worn down 1 2 3, get papery 4, dull 5 , and even worse things at times 6 . It’s hard to have healthy smooth skin if you don’t feed your skin…


The bacteria in our skin can become unbalanced 7 8 . For some people, their good bacteria die and bad bacteria grow in their place.

These harmful bacteria make producing new skin cells difficult 9 … and so your body has trouble taking in the nutrients that it needs to be healthy 10.

That’s when the hot flashes, the gas, and the weight gain start.

I see this all the time…and my goal is to help you today.

So, if you feel symptoms that are similar to that (hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances)… it means that the solution is simple…

You just need a way to feed your skin, and stop the “age lines.”

Why’s that so important?

Because you use all the cremes, serums, and exercise in the world.

But if your hormones are going “crazy” It’s going to feel almost impossible to stop wrinkles (or fix them).

And that’s where this revolutionary Collagen comes in to help you out.

It's No Wonder That Women Use Birth Control for Better Skin

I remember I tried it, and I did not like it… (thats when I came across bone broth).

I would simmer soup the natural way for hours…

And like magic, after drinking it, I would always feel healthier.

Now, Collagen gives you that same rejuvenating power, in a more concentrated version. (As long as you drink the right stuff!)

Because about 80% of our skin is made of collagen…

And bone broth is full of collagen and its the main reason people are going crazy over it. They found out you can possibly get rid of your “age lines”…

After Water Collagen Makes Up The Biggest Part Of Your Body

But its almost completely missing from almost every diet…

Plus, it’s packed with nutrients and gut healers that help ease that unwanted bloat. And that’s why I call Collagen “Natures Glow.” Because in my opinion, it’s one of the most powerful healing ingredients on the planet…

But if you go to the store to buy Collagen, you’ll most likely run into a big problem.

Billion Dollar Food Companies Pack Their Collagen With Loads Of Processed Chemicals ()

The last time I went to the store…
I was HORRIFIED when I turned the labels over, and saw that they had as high as 580 mg of sodium per serving…
Plus, some brands had a chemical called MSG (monosodium glutamate) that I REFUSE to feed myself, or my patients…
Why? Because MSG is linked to obesity 11 12 13 14, metabolic disorders 15 16 , and damage to the reproductive organs 17 18
I knew that I would NEVER feed myself (or anyone else) MSG-filled Bone Broth. Or something that simply had way too much sodium…
Now, you might be wondering, “if I shouldn’t drink Bone Broth from the store, what should I drink?”
It’s simple.
The Best Way To Get Bone Broth’s Amazing Benefits… Is To Drink “Pure Broth”
Which is Bone Broth that has NO MSG added in… and as little sodium as possible.
It’s Bone Broth that’s cooked the natural, slow way. In fact, it should be similar to the way that our ancient ancestors used to cook and drink Bone Broth…
You see, tens of thousands of years ago…
Cave men would cook Bone Broth inside of animal carcasses (and eventually bowls after they were invented).
The cooking process was very simple. They’d add water to animal bones and vegetables they’d find in the environment.
Then, they would heat that mixture, let it sit for hours, and drink it.
That simple recipe didn’t change for a LONG time. At least, not until the industrial revolution. That’s when industrialists wanted to produce Bone Broth FOR MILLIONS…
Now, cooking Bone Broth the natural way was a problem because it would only be safe to eat for about 5 days. And that’s when big food companies started making bullion, adding MSG, and loading broth with tons of preservatives…
And since then, the recipe for processed Bone Broth hasn’t changed much.
Now Billion-Dollar Food Giants Get To Sell You Junk… And Take Your Hard-Earned Money…

It’s bad news for you. Because you’re now the one stuck with these processed broths filled with MSG and sodium.

And that’s why finding a Pure Broth at the store is so difficult…

But in just a few minutes, I’m going to show you how to start drinking Pure Broth for yourself. Without having to buy it at the store or making it yourself.

And It’s Not Just Celebrities Who Are Drinking Pure Broth Anymore…
Because shortly after discovering how bad most Bone Broths are, I made the decision to start drinking Pure Broth, no matter what it took…
So, I grabbed my old textbooks, and searched for the BEST natural Bone Broth recipes. Then, I spent many hours buying bones, simmering them, and drinking the broth…
And within weeks of drinking it on a daily basis…
Something amazing happened…
My tired mornings where I didn’t want to get out of bed… turned into me waking up full of energy and feeling excited for the day!
My afternoon crashes seemingly disappeared. My wrinkles started fading away. And after a couple of weeks, my favorite pair of jeans fit perfectly around my waist…
However, the best part was…
My friends and family would tell me that I looked INCREDIBLE! And that made me feel so happy.
But, it’s not just me who has had amazing results…
After that, I started sharing my Bone Broth secret with other women. And here’s what they told me after drinking it…


*Results will vary based on starting point and commitment to plan. Real customers are used and compensated for sharing honest experiences. Extreme results not typical and may take more than 21 days.
“I make the best oriental chicken soup with bone broth”
Jude O’Connell
Verified Buyer
“Like many people, I have tried numerous broths over the years and most have absolutely no flavor or just plain taste like dirt. I highly recommend this broth. Very flavorful and filling. You will not be disappointed”
Cynthia Benifiel
Verified Buyer
“This broth has become a part of my daily health regimen. It’s tasty (I add a few spices for variety), it’s healthy, and it’s easy! I love that I can take it with me and have it any time. I’m happy my friend told me about Dr. Kellyann and her products!”
Jean Cole
Verified Buyer
“”Love this bone broth! I feel like I am getting all the nutrients I need! I stocked up on it!””
Kathy Kallama
Verified Buyer

My goal in showing you these is to show you what’s possible.

So, now that you see why Bone Broth could be the superfood you’ve been looking for. You may be wondering…

How Can I Start Drinking Pure Bone Broth?

Earlier, I mentioned that you can drink it without going to the store and without making it yourself. Well, to show how that’s possible, let me show you your two options:
Option 1: You Could Make The Bone Broth Yourself.
You could throw all the animal bones, vegetables, and spices in a slow cooker, and cook them the old fashioned way.
Just know that it’s going to take a lot of work, time and energy… especially since you may have to make a new batch every 5 days…
Now, I know you’re probably WAY too busy to do that…
However, if you do go down that path, I recommend becoming good friends with your local butcher. They can supply you with all the knuckles, feet, and special bones that you’ll need to make your own broth.
If you’d rather skip all of the hard work, then there’s another way that you can drink Pure Broth.

Option 2: You Can Buy My Revolutionary Bone Broth Right Here!

You see…
Drinking Pure Bone Broth helped to change my life, and I wanted other people to see the same benefits.
My team and I have spent years finding the perfect (and potentially healthiest) way to cook pure broth.
And now…
We’ve perfected the process of cooking Pure Broth that has low sodium, great flavor, and the fat-burning powers that you desire…

introducing Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth

Pure Bone Broth without the extra sodium… the MSG… or the preservatives
You can buy this special type of Bone Broth in a liquid, powder, or frozen form…
All so that preparing and drinking your Bone Broth is convenient. In fact, it takes you less than 2 minutes to heat up some water and mix your Bone Broth…
It tastes like your FAVORITE soup, fills you up, and helps to activate your “Natural Fat-Burning Mode”…
Simply by fueling your body with what it needs to help fight bloat.
My team and I have already done the hard work so that you don’t have to…
We let each batch of Bone Broth simmer for at least 24 hours. And then we concentrate it, turn it into a powder, or freeze it… so that we can lock in the delicious flavor, gelatin, and glycine.
Just mix your package of Pure Broth with water and enjoy…
Then feel amazing as the collagen-packed protein, gelatin, and glycine surge through your body.

You Can Also Add It To Your Favorite Smoothies, Rice, And Other Dishes....

Because you’re already going to be doing those things anyway. So why not just add it in?
There’s no extra work at all!
And so you know exactly what you’re getting, here’s the nutritional label.
You Can Buy My Bone Broth In A Convenient 7-Day Kit

Why 7 days? That’s when you may start seeing the benefits of drinking Bone Broth every day.

In fact, that’s the minimum time that I recommend my clients try it for.

Some women see results sooner, but I just want to make sure you give this an honest try. I know it can feel frustrating when you don’t see results within a couple of days…

However, with a little bit of patience, wonderful things can happen.

You’ve already seen the amazing results that women have had from drinking my Bone Broth daily. And I want you to be next…

You can drink it straight, or mix it with your favorite ingredients to make a soup.


Here's What Other Women Are Saying:

*Results will vary based on starting point and commitment to plan. Real customers are used and compensated for sharing honest experiences. Extreme results not typical and may take more than 21 days.
Best Ever
“I LOVE LOVE LOVE this bone broth! It is by far the best tasting and most satisfying bone broth ever! I recently had a very bad cold, and not feeling well enough to cook a lot and take care of myself, this is what I had to get me through! One for lunch and I had another at bedtime! I did that for 2 days! It was so satisfying, it warmed me up, was filling, and I slept like a baby!
I also love the convenience of the single serve packs I can take anywhere and have at anytime! I will be ordering more!”
– Rita S.
Great Taste
“I have just got started with the bone broth. I really thought it would be pretty gross but I was more than pleasantly surprised at how good it tastes. Great drink for quick fuel before heading out.”
– Gabriela H.
Daily Dose of Bone Broth
“Dr. Kellyann’s Bone Broth is really working for me. It is a guilt free snack or part of a meal, and helps satiate hunger. I have swapped out my afternoon coffee, for a mug of Bone Broth, and will never switch back. I feel better, have more energy and fewer headaches. I’m on my way to a healthier me.”
– Anne M.
Those are some amazing results, right?
Hopefully you’re seeing why drinking my Bone Broth on a daily basis is a fantastic idea. And the only thing you might be wondering is…

How Much Does Your Bone Broth Cost?

That’s a great question.
My team and I cut zero corners in making sure that we make this Bone Broth the natural way. That means taking extra time to simmer the bones, cool the mixture, and use as little sodium as possible. We only use the highest quality ingredients!
So, if you’re fine with drinking a processed Bone Broth that’s loaded with harmful sodium and MSG… And you don’t really care about drinking the highest-quality ingredients possible…
Then this Bone Broth probably isn’t the right product for you.
However, if you want to drink Pure Broth… So that you can enjoy the best Fat-Blasting ingredients possible…
And you realize that doing so could help save you thousands in future diets and exercise programs (or even more)…
Then this Bone Broth is perfect for you.
That’s why I’m happy to tell you that the normal price for a 7 day supply of my bone broth is only $60!
7 days is enough time for the gut-cleansing ingredients to wash through your body, and potentially put you on a path to better health…
You’re Not Going To Have To Pay The Full Price Of $60

Because you’ve read through this entire page, I’ll let you in on a little secret that you’ll only find on this page…

A few weeks ago, my team convinced me to run a special promotion to people who haven’t tried my Bone Broth before…

Unfortunately, so many people haven’t experienced what Bone Broth can do for their health…

And I want to make sure that you at least give it an honest try…

And That's Why, For Today, We Will Give You A 10% Discount

I’m not sure how much longer this discount will last, so make sure you grab your first package of Bone Broth before it’s too late.
All you have to do is scroll down to the packages below, and pick the one that you want.
Also, if you’re committed to making Bone Broth work for you, I highly recommend you pick up either the 14 day or 21 day supply…
Because that will give you even longer-lasting benefits…

So, When You're Ready To Try My Bone Broth...

Pick one of the packages below. Then, fill out your information on our secure order form. And my warehouse team will package up your bone broth and mail it directly to your doorstep.
After that, you can sit back feeling excited about the transformation that could happen…

You Can Try My Bone Broth ... With Our 30-Day Happy Stomach Guarantee!

For the majority of women who try my Bone Broth…

They’re so happy that they’re jumping up and down in excitement. They love watching their waistlines shrink by as much as 4 inches…

While looking in the mirror, and feeling sexy in their favorite pair of jeans…

However, if for any reason you aren’t happy… Then you can just send back your package for a full refund less any fees!

I guarantee that as long as you give my Bone Broth an honest try… you could have a happy stomach that no longer feels bloated or fatigued…

All you have to do now is order your first package of Bone Broth below…


30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee*

